What this Blog isn't

Hopefully, you have a good idea about me and what I want for this blog. But I think it’s essential that I explain what this blog isn’t.

I don’t want this to be a place where I shamelessly try and sell you overpriced items that you don’t need.

I will mention some relevant items that you can use for specific situations from time to time. But I will never shove a bunch of products down your throat without even testing the products first.

That’s not who I am. I believe in being genuine and upfront with people that come to my blog and bring value to them.

If you’re looking for anything else, you’ve probably come to the wrong place. 

I want this blog to bring out your inner adventurer, and an outdoor spirit you may or may not have known was there.

Mission Statement

To inspire  families and communities to appreciate the outdoors through community  engagement, educational content, and sharing our experiences together.