Wildlife Conservation: 7 Ways you Can Make a Difference

Over the last four decades, human activities have had a negative impact to animal extinction. As a matter of fact, we lose close to 10,000 species per year accounting for losing half of the world’s wildlife population.

Which is why I’m here today.

In this article, I want to hit on some key points that will heighten our awareness when it comes to wildlife conservation.

By doing this, we will be ensuring that future generations can enjoy our natural world and the incredible species that live within it.

But first, we must address the issue and put implementation into place.

Without further ado, let’s jump into the article.



For more information on wildlife conservation, please check out the National Wildlife Federation. Their efforts towards conservation should never go unnoticed. You can find them here.




Wildlife Conservation comes in Many Forms.


Saving wildlife translates to protecting the environment.



Without animals and plants, our lives would not exist. Literally.

There are many ways we can help make a difference. That’s what it’s all about anyways.

We need to flatten the curve on pollution and ensure that the ecosystem is balanced correctly.

So, instead of giving you a long-detailed list of things we can do, let’s get a refresher and hit on some key points.

Here are 7 ways for us to make a positive impact. Let’s get started!



This is the obvious choice, but yes, we need to volunteer at the wildlife refuge, the rehabilitation hospitals, nature reserves, the botanical gardens, and zoo.

We live in an era when our planet is in a crisis. Species are continuing to be placed on the endangered list. If we don’t act fast or act at all, many more will be added to the list.

Animals need our help in their survival on this planet. Volunteering on a wildlife conservation project is an excellent way to make a difference.


Protect the Environment

One of the most effective ways to help wildlife conservation is to preserve the environment in which the animals live. How do we do that might you ask?

Let’s start with the basics.

One way we can protect the environment is to do our part on trash clean-up.

Think of the 3 R’s. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Reduce- When you consume less, we need fewer natural resources and produce less waste. We must reduce our waste such as plastic items that make its way into our forests and oceans. Reduce or eliminate these items because they are difficult to recycle and persist in the environment for decades.

Reuse- This one just gets me every time. Don’t throw away if it still has some use to it. Unwanted toys, books, or shoes that are in decent condition don’t need to be tossed. Please consider donating or giving them to charity vs throwing them in the trash.

Recycle- This is another easy fundamental that people get lazy on. Avoid disposable products and products with excessive packaging that is difficult to recycle. Find out what is recyclable in your area and do your part on the everyday items such as aluminum cans, water bottles, and plastic containers. For the complicated stuff such as batteries and electronics, consider taking them to municipal collection centers that will dispose them properly.


Support National Parks.

National Parks play a vital role in protecting habitats of millions of species. In return, we should support our National Parks.


Now more than ever it’s important to support our country’s National Parks. These parks play a vital role in protecting habitats of millions of our native species.

When it comes to spending our money, we should also play a role in supporting our National Parks.

One way we can support these sanctuaries is to give financially. This will help ensure we have dependable resources moving forward. You can donate at the National Parks Conservation Association here.


Plant some trees!

As mentioned before, wildlife conservation comes in many forms. One way we can contribute is to plant some trees.

Plants are often a major source of food for the wildlife, and hence planting and preserving this can be very beneficial.

Moreover, flowering plants attract insects and wild animals, resulting in pollination and an increase in vegetation.


Read, learn, and research.

Knowledge is power and the more informed and educated you are when it comes to wildlife conservation, the more equipped you will be to learn what the issues are and how you can help.

Many organizations offer free online courses that will help you learn all about wildlife conservation and endangered species.


Avoid the harmful chemicals.

Fertilizers usually find their way into water sources, polluting our rivers, and streams, causing harmful algae blooms, and poisoning the aquatic life.

One way to flatten the curve is to use organic fertilizers like animal manure or compost.


And finally, watch our water!

Using too much water from lakes and rivers can affect animals’ habitat. Conserve this resource by taking five-minute showers, turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth and so forth.

Water conservation preserves aquatic life by keeping streams, rivers, and lakes from running dry. It can also help reduce pollution in rivers and lakes, allowing more fish and other species to thrive.




Thoughts & Takeaways

And that will wrap things up for today. Wildlife conservation is something we should all focus on not just sometimes but all the time. Obviously, this cannot happen overnight, but with enough effort and heightened focus from everyone, we can truly make a positive impact in the environment. I hope you found this article to be helpful. Please share how you contribute to wildlife conservation in the comment section below.






Chris Tate

Hey, this is Chris and welcome to my blog! I live in Norman OK with my beautiful wife Dawna. I am an avid hiker, kayaker, and fisherman. I hope this blog brings value and excitement as we take many journeys together!
