Rainy Camping: 5 Simple Tips to Keep you Safe and Dry

Camping during a rainstorm can be an exhilarating adventure for those who love the great outdoors.

However, it can also be a daunting task, especially if you’re not prepared for the wet weather.

Which is why I’m here today.

In this article, I will introduce to you a few simple concepts for rainy camping, that way when mother nature takes a turn for the worse, you will be able to stay safe and dry while finishing out your trip.

Without further ado, let’s go camping!



For more information on rainy camping, KOA has great information on safety tips. You can check them out here.




Rainy Camping 101: Choose the Right Campsite.


Several factors go into choosing the right campsite. For example, you are looking for higher elevation and shelter from the wind.


First things first.

Choosing the right campsite is essential if you know rain is going to be in the forecast. Although, many times you have to book these campsites ahead of time, some areas of the campground will be better than others.

If you can, try and find a spot that is elevated and has good drainage to prevent your tent from flooding. Moreover, finding a site that is sheltered from the wind can significantly reduce the amount of rain blowing into your tent.

Conducting research ahead of time to find a campsite that meets your needs is highly recommended.



Choose the Right Gear.


Choosing the right gear can help mitigate any type of risk exposure while you participate in rainy camping.


Secondly, packing the right gear is vital to ensure a successful camping trip, especially when it’s raining. Be sure to have a waterproof tent, rainfly, and groundsheet to keep you and your gear dry.

It’s also important to bring extra tarps, ropes, and bungee cords to create a dry area for cooking and relaxing. Additionally, packing warm and waterproof clothing, such as rain jackets, rain pants, and waterproof boots is a must.


Don’t forget about the Entertainment.

This one often gets overlooked because we are too focused on the weather itself. But in order to make this trip worthwhile, you need something to add value to a rainy weekend.

Consider bringing a deck of cards, board games, or books to pass the time. If you have a portable DVD player, downloading some movies or TV shows ahead of time to watch in your tent is a great idea. You can also use the rain as an opportunity to catch up on some much-needed rest.


Organization will be crucial.

Fourthly, staying organized is key to avoid confusion and prevent your gear from getting wet. Keep your tent organized by designating specific areas for your gear, clothing, and food.

It’s also advisable to use plastic bags or waterproof containers to keep your belongings dry and organized. Remember to pack up wet items separately to prevent them from getting other items wet.


Prepare for Emergencies.

And finally, being prepared for emergencies is crucial when you get involved in rainy camping.

Make sure you have a first aid kit and a fully charged cell phone with you knowing the location of the nearest hospital or emergency services is essential, and bringing a whistle or signal mirror in case you need to call for help is highly recommended.


Thoughts & Takeaways

And that will wrap things up for today. Camping during a rainstorm can be a fun and exciting experience if you’re well-prepared. Choosing the right campsite, packing the right gear, planning indoor activities, staying organized, and being prepared for emergencies are all essential components of a successful rainy camping trip. So, grab your rain gear and head out into the great outdoors, and don’t forget to enjoy the beauty of nature despite the rain. I hope you found this article to be helpful. Please share your experiences in rainy camping in the comment section below.





Chris Tate

Hey, this is Chris and welcome to my blog! I live in Norman OK with my beautiful wife Dawna. I am an avid hiker, kayaker, and fisherman. I hope this blog brings value and excitement as we take many journeys together!
