The Parallel Forest: Lawton’s Haunted Urban Legend

Hi there!

Today, we are going travel out to Southwestern Oklahoma and visit some haunted territory. Tucked away in the majestic Wichita Mountains Refuge lies the haunted forest known as the Parallel Forest.

With Halloween right around the corner, I thought it would be a great idea to discuss a cool and creepy place that has a little bit of history tied to it.

Not only is it rich in history, but legend has it, that paranormal activity has existed within these 20,000 cedar trees for quite some time now.

So, with that being said, it’s time to go explore Lawton’s haunted urban legend.


Without further ado, Let’s go find some haunted ground!



For more information on the Parallel Forest, please check out the Pemberton Boys on YouTube. I love their footage of the Wichita Mountains when it comes to unique attractions and trails in the area.

You can check them out here…




The History of the Parallel Forest


Over 20,000 red cedar trees were planted near the Wichita Mountains to help protect vegetation during the dust bowl.


Okay, so why does the Parallel Forest exist in the first place you might ask?

Well, it goes like this.

This bizarre forest was built by the government to counteract the effects of the Dust Bowl. The trees were to act as a wind block.

More than 20,000 red cedars were planted in the forest approximately six feet apart in every direction. They were also intended to grow straight up and not outward, hence the forest’s name.

As far as size goes, this haunted lot of trees stretches for about 16 acres. As with any place abandoned by the government, rumors have persisted that the forest is haunted.


Famed Stories of the Parallel Forest


For years people have told stories of a coven of witches that use this altar in the middle of the forest to perform strange magic and ceremonies.


So, what makes this place so haunted anyways?

Supposedly, a long time ago during the prohibition era, outlaws and lawmen used this forest to dispose of enemies and bury the evidence.

Everything you can think of was buried. Bodies. Bootleg treasures. Who knows what else might be under the soil.

There’s been rumors of sightings of the following:

  • ghosts
  • beastly creatures
  • witches
  • strange noises
  • satanists


Sounds like a horrifying experience if you ask me. Along with that there are stories of those who became lost and died in the forest who were unable to find their way out now haunt the area.

It gets worse, some people have said they saw a large wolf like creature who hunts the woods for prey.


So, what about the Witches?

Okay, so there’s a little more to the Parallel Forest than I’ve led you to believe to this point.

For years, people have claimed that a coven of witches that use an altar in the middle of the Parallel Forest to perform dark magic and other satanic rituals.

Some have even reported that they have seen dark cloaked figures at the altar and heard chants that will make your hand stand straight up.

Animal and human sacrifices have also been mentioned in conversations. This forest knows no limits when it comes to its famed scary tales.


Who Built the Altar Anyways?

Who in the heck decided to build this scary altar anyways?

Well, according to some research, No one truly knows. This is what we do know. Some have suggested that it wasn’t actually an altar to begin with. It could have easily been built before the Parallel Forest was being planted. Perhaps it could have been built in the Seventeen hundreds.

It appears that the altar was an ore grinding or crushing mill that was abandoned from the old mining days when prospectors mined for gold and silver out at the Wichita Mountains.


How do I get There?
Once you’ve reached the little cement pad, the line of cedar trees on the side of the road is the entrance to the Parallel Forest.


If you drive along Oklahoma State Route 115 in the Wichita Mountains, you will make your way all the way down a paved road that dead ends.

You will see the line of red cedars on the side of the road. You have made it, so it’s time to enter.

Once you arrive, no matter what direction you look, you’ll see a tree exactly 6 feet apart from the next. To get the full experience, if you go during the day like I did, you will notice that the sun gets easily blocked by the canopy of the trees.

This already has added anxiety and an eerie feeling that lingers for a while. The gloomy atmosphere combined with the unwanted noises make this place creepy for sure.

To clear the air, I have made 4 or 5 visits to the Parallel Forest and haven’t experienced anything out of the ordinary. That doesn’t mean I would come out here alone with no flashlight seeking out paranormal opportunities.

I do believe that the place has an eerie feeling to it, one that cannot be overlooked.

Whether you go just to see this historical place of land or are looking for a supernatural encounter, just keep in mind that you will need to keep your bearings as it’s easy to get lost in this place.


Thoughts & Takeaways

And that wraps things up for today. The Parallel Forest is without a doubt, a must-see opportunity in the State of Oklahoma. If I could give anyone advice or insight on the Parallel Forest, it would be to give yourself enough daylight to enjoy it safely. You could find yourself in a tough situation if you get lost here after sunset. At night, this place is so dark that no light can escape its pitch-black sheet. Even with the best magnesium lighting, you can hardly see 20 to 30 feet in front of you at best. I hope you liked this article about this haunted forest. Please share your experiences with the Parallel Forest in the comment section below.













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